Wednesday 11 January 2012

Happy new year folks

Happy New Year everybody. Sorry my post is so so late. It's been a very busy start to 2012 so far. I actually get married this year! I can't believe that on our 10 year anniversary me and Rob will get married and I will finally become Mrs Stoner.

Our wedding date is 27th November and due to having a winter wedding I have been hitting the sales hard so that I can get all our wedding bits and bobs as cheap as possible.

So far since the new year I have managed to get  my shoes, dress, tights, garter, faux fur jacket, gloves and shoes all at a reduced price.  I have also managed to get Imogen's dress, coat and stole in the sales so I've made a very good start.

There is still so much to do but I am absolutely loving shopping for our wedding. The best so far has been shopping for my ring. I was so excited once I found the ring I will wear when I become Mrs Stoner and even more excited when Rob agreed to actually get a ring for himself too.

I get a smile on my face everytime I think about our big day and I really can't wait.